week 4.... Assure Model Lesson Plan

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This week the topic was the assure model lesson plan

we began class by discussing results from the VARK'S learning styles questionnaire. 

The following table shows the learning styles of four of my class mates









V- Visual learners

A- Aural learners

R- Reading and writing learners

K- Kinesthetic

M - Multi modal, these learners uses all learning styles

 We then went into the lesson with a video on assure model  (video credit: Mrs. Marsh Roberts)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>please click here to watch video<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

ASSURE model is based on identifying the different learners or different learning styles to create the best learning environment for students. The acronym ASSURE stands for:

A-Analyze learners

S- State standards & objectives

S- Select strategies, technology, media & materials

U- Utilize technology, media & materials

R- Require learner participation

E- Evaluate & revise

Lesson plan starts with objectives- it is taken from the curriculum and modified to cater to class. Learning objectives are measurable, specific and observable objects for your course.Learning, instructional, behavioral or specific objectives should be formulated by teachers. Instead of writing students should be able to, write they will be able to.

 We then learnt the ABCD of writing objectives:
audience (students)
behavior (verb)
condition (under what circumstances)
degree (how well the students complete task)

eg.. At the end of the lesson students will design a presentation on learning using Microsoft PowerPoint with no more than 10 slides.

Afterward we went into blooms taxonomy of writing objectives.

Mr. Benjamin bloom taxonomy of learning has three domains and they are

Knowledge- deals with cognitive thinking

Skills- psychomotor

Attitude- affective or feelings

e.g of cognitive- at the end of this lesson students will be able to accurately explain how a fire extinguisher is used with the aid of diagrams.

e.g of psychomotor- using a compass, ruler and pencil only, students will be able to construct a 90 degree angle with 95% accuracy.

e.g of attitude- at the end of the lesson students will be able to formulate their own definitions of safety after watching a video on safety hazards in the workshop with at least 80%  accuracy.

Classification of how people learn

Six levels of the cognitive domain are

Remembering- retrieving and recording relevant knowledge for long term memory (define, list, label)

Understanding- can explain how things work (explain, summarize, give example)

Applying- take knowledge to solve new problems (apply, demonstrate, show or use)

Analyzing- break it down into smaller parts to get a better look at something (analyze compare or relate)

Evaluating- make judgments or decision on concept (evaluate, explain, justify)

Creating- learner has to come up with something new with all the new knowledge they learn (create devise plan or compile)

Differentiate between the old and the new version of the taxonomy

Old version was nouns…now they are verbs and action words

Old version had create then evaluate….new version you evaluate then create

The importance of using blooms taxonomy while planning for lessons are:
It caters for different learner

It utilize different level of thinking, knowledge skills and attitude

Writing objectives

1.       Start with a stem sentence- after completing this module students will be able to….

2.       Determine the learning outcome- what will they do to demonstrate they understand the concept

3.       Consult the blooms wheel to detect the appropriate verb to reflect what you want our learner to do

4.       Write out objects by classify them within the 6 domains of bloom’s taxonomy

Learning outcomes: used in unit plan to identify what we want kids to be able to do by end of the unit (general objects) or what students will be able to do by the end of any lesson (specific objects).

The following class....

The previous class we looked at analyzing our learners and selecting objectives. in this class we looked at the other aspects of writing an assure lesson plan.
the link below gives details on how to do so. (document credit: Mrs. Marsh Roberts) 
>>>>>>>>>>>please click here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MY ASSURE MODEL LESSON PLAN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


I faced problems writing objects that had all 4 ABCD components while at the same time fell under each domain (knowledge, skills, affective). I overcame this challenge with the a lot of patience practice and perseverance. now I feel much more confident in writing objectives for my class.

I intend to use what I learnt to write lesson plans by first analyze my learners. Then write specific objectives with all 3 domains included, as well as a mixture of higher and lower order thinking , select and use the appropriate media, materials and technology to enhance learning in my students. finally, I intend to encourage participation in class and evaluate my lessons at the end in order to better cater for my students and the way they learn.

Image result for thank you please come again

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